

A commentary on methodology

As a teacher and a student I’m always looking for ways to improve learning.
My theory of how learning could be further optimized involves introducing a concept of self-knowledge. Students can govern and enhance their own learning if they know the science of mind.
As teachers, we are trained to keep students in an unbalanced focused mode for many hours per day. Traditional protocols dismiss diffuse as inappropriate behavior, and even worse, a “disorder”.
In my experience as a teacher, those labeled ADD or ADHD are bored and ahead of classmates and could be more accurately labeled “fast”.
These candles can be helped to burn longer and more effectively if they are given the tips on slow learning, diffuse learning, mastery learning, environmental learning, and an ok to know thyself and thy mind.
Conversely, accommodations for students who are not as quick need addressing.
Anyone with a mind requires freedoms inherent as a result of having a mind.
Allowing students to integrate information in their own minds and time is likely the only way we can vastly improve the education system.
I am currently incorporating the concepts into my own thinking. In the future I will teach students the fundamental and useful concepts of this course.
Practical practicums begin with practicing how to think, how to mind-shift into the thinking mode you need as an individual, how to choose environments wisely, how to allow balance and homeostasis to be a part of effective learning, and when to mind-shift as needed.

Mindshifting art classes recommended

In Alliance Pro at your service

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